18 October 2019

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Annual Physical Success Story!

As always, I went for my annual preventive care visit with my primary care physician in the summer of 2017. Unfortunately this time was different. My doctor became suspicious and sent me for a mammogram and sonogram of my breasts. Sure enough the results came back as evidence of a malignant tumor. A biopsy was performed on the tumor for further testing that confirmed I had stage one breast cancer. Shortly after, I had surgery to remove the tumor and 17 radiation treatments (all within 2- 5 months of the lump being found). In December of 2018, my doctor confirmed that I hit one year of being cancer free! I am sincerely grateful to my team of excellent doctors for finding the cancer at an early stage and for the treatments that now allows me to enjoy my life with my children and grandchildren.

- Donna Narine, Long Island City

Thank you to Donna for sharing her annual physical success story! Please join us in congratulating Donna for celebrating 35 years of service with SMP this year! If you would like to share an annual physical success story, please reach out to your local Human Resources Associate.